Thursday, August 8, 2013

How and Why readers buy books has made some graphs answering these questions based on the data collected on a survey conducted by ebookfairies.

For those of us who self publish, it's really interesting to know why a potential reader buys a book and how does he/she find it.

Here you have the charts:

And here are my personal conclusions based on these graphs:

-Your books must be in Amazon.
-One in every three readers don't pay attention to the publisher (we indies can be happy for this).
-Authors must have a Facebook account and an Author Website.
-Barely one fifth of readers are very influenced by reviews (so there is no need to beg for reviews).
-Half of the readers will wait to buy a book if it has low star rating (it's time to beg for star ratings, then).
-One third of readers have been introduced to new authors by freebies at least 20 times! (keep the freebies coming)
-More than three quarters of readers will try the author again if they liked the freebie (ditto to my previous suggestion about freebies).
-For the vast majority of readers, The New York Times Bestselling List, is of no importance (I guess, in spite of this, we indies still would like to be in it, right?).

Most of these conclusions give me hope. It appears that readers are not so narrow-minded as some would like to make us think.

Thank God for the freedom and opportunities that the Internet grants us.

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